2023 February Newsletter

General Meeting: February 2nd  Date:  Location: VFW   Time: 7:00 PM.

Board Meeting: Date : February 16th  Location: DipStiggy’s Time: 7:00 PM

Pres. Ren Large, VP Brian Moeves Treas. Sarge Shearer , Sec. Thomas Scherz , Sgt @ Arms Pop Scherz, Board Members: Tim Burke 23, Mike Behr 24, Denny Huxel 25, Steve Gartner 26

Theme : Dues are Due…. $75 Family. The theme for February is Super Bowl. Wear your Bengal Jerseys one more time! Free Sports Betting Tutorials. Super Bowl Squares Available. Paid Members get a FREE Square.

Good and Welfare : Sarge’s friend and companion for 17 years, Angie passed away in Hospice after a short term Illness. Our love and thoughts are with him and her family.


2023 Ski Trip :  The 40th Anniversary 7 Springs Ski Trip was attended by 49 people for the 40th.
Judy Rudy became the First Female to be nominated as a Hanson Sisters Trucking Co. Honorable mention for our new Bullet Team member went to Brayden Shearer for Skiing the Gunnar Slope without a shirt. Takes after his Grandpa Sarge. Good time had by all. The GT Foundation generated $ 290.00 in donations from the Event. 

2023 Super Bowl Party: Date : February 12 Where : Soccer City Field D We are hosting a Superbowl Party for family and friends. We will be selling squares to benefit our 911 Steel and our GT Scholarships. A – I : Appetizer. J – R : Snacks S – Z : Dessert

2023 Jeff Ruby Steaks : Date : March 25th Where : Turfway Race Track  The Grand Re-Opening of Turfway is highlighted by their big stakes race. We will be hosting our usual private party on the back side at the HomeStretch restaurant. Located at the Horseman’s Hall. More Information and Hot Tips will be shared throughout the month. Contact : Pops Scherz

2023 Operation Ramp It Up : Date : May 29th Where : Arlington Cemetery. We will again do the Flags at Arlington Memorial Gardens for Memorial Day for the Veterans of the Goodtimers in support of Operation Ramp It Up.

2023 Family Freedom Party : Date: TBD Where : Freedom Lake. More details to come.

2023 Admiral Dinner Cruise : Date : October 14th Where: Majestic River Boat. Time : 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM We are doing the Dinner Cruise again this year. There will be a bus, pre-party, dinner, cruise, and post-party. We have a limit of 100 people and the cut off will be in August. This will be a Co-Pay event.

Committee Reports:

Foundation :  Jim and Steve will present a foundation update at the February Meeting. Representative : Jim Wray and Steve Gartner

Scholarship :  The 2023 Scholarship Applications are available to download. DOWNLOAD. The applications must be submitted to Ren Large by March 31, 2023. Representative : Ren Large

Send Submissions to:  Ren Large 8802 Nabida Drive Cincinnati, Oh 45247 or by email smag55@aol.com

911Steel.com : Check out the highlights : https://911steel.com/events. Representative : Robert Rudy

Queeen of Hearts:  We are off and running for the 2023 Queen of Hearts. There is over $350 in the pot.  Come to the meetings for your shot at the Jackpot. Dues must be paid. Representative : Adam Ashpaw

Florida / Texas / Indiana / North Carolina / Maryland :  

We are still looking for people to organize the Mystery Trip, Bourbon Trail, Pickle Ball Tournament, Axe Throwing, Fowling, Cinci Roller Girls, Square Dancing, and the Racquetball Tournament.

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